
Showing posts with the label Tree

Young Squivino Discovers The Power Of An Oak

Away from its birth nest for the very first time, With translucent tail held high in the balance position,  Young Squivino carefully walks along a branch, Awake in the world For the very first time.

Robino Tastes a Red Berry

as luck would have it, while walking in a field of yellow leaves,  we find Robino once again, nibbling on a Red Berry.  Late afternoon by the reservoir in Central Park

Dancing Ginkgo Biloba in Full Fall Colors

   I'm happy, and I'm dancing and I'm Yellow! (or Flavo if you prefer the more flavorful Latin) Family Ginkgoaceae – Ginkgo family Genus Ginkgo L. – ginkgo Species Ginkgo biloba L. – maidenhair tree                                           Premium Specimen of a New York Park Avenue Gingko Biloba

Everybody Needs An Occasional Nap

Squiva  does   have relatives.   Nevertheless, in this contemporary world of the single family Dwelling Den, Squiva's family is scattered all over the park.  Grand Squiva lives more or less alone now, in an empty family nest.    After years of practice, Grand Squiva begins to blend more and more with the local milieu.   When speed and agility wane, then camouflage steps in. Grand Squiva on the way to a nap. .

A Street Full of Petals

Life seeps away with falling blossoms, Spring leaves left behind, Wet petals everywhere!  

The leaves of summer

Let the sap of summer nourish me, like a small bough, with a leaf stuck for life to its limb. Let the autumn wind care for my soul. So what if winter crawls over my roots!


I don't know what it is, I never saw it before!  Maybe it's one of those dangerous immigrant things from over there! Oh well, it is kind of cute. Let's wait a while, and see.

Time Warp Tree

This piece of Urban Flora is a prime example of a Time Warp Tree.  Notice how it is confused and out of focus!  This specimen is carrying a whole forest of wilted fall leaves, and uncountable leaves that simply refused to fall.  Even the winter snow cannot discourage these soggy hangers on (or, if you like, hanger ons).  Looking carefully, we see greenish leaves still clinging on from last summer.  Notice as well the half enclosed trunk.  What is that about? And to completely sadden one,  this Time Warp Tree is trying to shelter not tulips, not boxwood, but ice-encrusted garbage bags!  How thankless, yet noble. Time Warp Tree also appears to be wearing a tree-sized friendship bracelet.  Sigh. Time Warp Tree with Red Tree-Friendship Bracelet

On Speed Reading

A blank page has nothing, no nothing at all, but it makes itself over with letters and scrawl, nevertheless it remains quite pristine on the edges and margins and spaces between all those letters and such that don’t matter much so if I recall it at all then one word in twenty is plenty. Early (really early) Magnolia buds in Conservancy Garden I've sped read through more books than I can count, and I am really and truly great at it. I have become so proficient that I need only drive by a bookstore to read a book, much like ConEd reads meters. (You may not be aware of the special radio-frequency chips inserted in the spines of most best sellers.) So of course I think you should try it! Here's How: Open your eyes wide, and focus on your smart phone (how do you think that phone got so smart? Downloads!) Anyway, focus, focus. Concomitantly, Flick the pages past with a suitable finger; I prefer the two middle finger method. Now, work hard at remembering a few ...
On attempting to discover the steps on the way outside Front Steps On Attaining Footing on the Sidewalk Sidewalk and Tree Bed On Achieving a Restaurant that is Opened Complete Strangers Dining in a Turkish Restaurant

Ponderosa Pine a la Georgia O'Keeffe in the Santa De Cristo Mountains

Lara C. and Bodie C. sustain one another on a treacherous and exhausting climb up Copper Gulch into the Sangre De Cristo mountains. Undaunted, our brave photographer stopped at nothing and recorded this event for all of us. Ponderosa Pine (?) a la Georgia O'Keeffe Lara, Bodie, and Ponderosa after treacherous hike

Christmas in Crestone Colorado

We are surrounded with beauty, with visions of sugar plums dancing!

Illegally Parked Tree Saved by Bystander

Through little fault of it's own, El Innocente, an otherwise law-abiding tree, is seriously illegally parked.  El Innocente is not only within a few feet of a Fire Hydrant, but it is also in a clearly marked No Parking Zone.  Thank Goodness our Bystander arrived in time! Several parking tickets had already been attached by the Authorities in the Department, but El Innocente was unable to pay them.  As our hero arrived on the scene, an Official was already attaching the Tow!  We all know what the Department does with Towed Trees --  well, I don't even want to talk about it. Thankfully, Bystander was allowed to pay the outstanding tickets and to establish the El Innocente Ticket Paying Trust in Perpetuum Fidite. We are all  exceedingly grateful. Tree parked illegally on Park Avenue and 94h Street

On the Nature of Context and Infrastructure

There once was a leaf named Horatio Who was looking around for a way to show How grand he would be in a color photo. Leaf loved his gorgeous physique and technique, Leaf was certain his hue was unique, what mystique! Leaf was strong not dependent not weak, but a sheik! All alone On his own He had grown. Take a photo of Me, said he, not the tree! What good is a tree to a Me?

On the Art of Self discovery

Robin, Robin Redbreast, where art thou? "I’m sitting in a tree but I don’t know how; I ended up here on this limb somehow." You flew around and landed there as simple as can be. "You’re very funny so they say, but why me instead of thee?" You silly bird I’ll tell you why, It’s difficult for me to fly, But you have feathers and wings and things! "I do? Oh my Gosh! Are these things wings?" Central Park Magnolia Tree Getting Ready for Spring Addendum from Vera A. of Denver Standing tall upon the crest, greeting Spring - Robin redbreast. Looking regal, fat and firm Scanning for a nice March worm. Gingerly testing out his skill. Can I still do the robin trill? What a voice! You're right on track. We're so glad to see you back.

Love and the Drop Off Points

What happens when love takes the time to strengthen, what happens if it passes, and the day tomorrow leaves behind is chilled and withed, holding us without a chance, at the drop off point where death takes over, how can we hold the weary fort, when battle scars the very heart of the earth. How can we love without knowing, how can we hold on without a knotted center keeping us from flying off, how can I watch the day die and still live to see the morning sneaking back to life against the sallow sky? I did, and then I turned around and just walked out of the picture. What could I do? I didn't know how to talk it over. Magnolia Buds in December, Central Park


Fall leaf Worn on the edges    like an old hem  Crumpled        Smelling of dawn Horse Chesnut, three years old!

An Afternoon Nap, Maybe

The fruit is hanging low; It’s late. the season’s over. If you were here (and I knew where) I’d find a hayloft for an afternoon, in my mind of course. Those sticky straws green and new-mown as they are,   are very hard to sleep on.   I have a feather bed I bought, though. It doesn’t seem like much to give. but you might want to wait and see.*   * I switched this photo with the blog from four blogs down!

An Evergreen with a Vagabond Gene

I’m a small evergreen with a vagabond gene,   I was dropped in this root in July. It's a deciduous tree, yet it’s perfect for me, although, I can’t figure out why. It seems pretty clear Tree knows that I’m here, but I haven’t caused any frustration. Tree knows I’m a tree but not that I’m me, with my evergreen orientation. Now it happens that Tree has been sheltering me from the wind and the sleet and the rain. We’ve been bonding it seems, with our schemes and our dreams, we’re so different, it’s hard to explain. By the time Tree perceives I’m not losing my "leaves", I will probably seem like the norm. We have plans for our life, so whatever the strife, together we’ll weather the storm.   In The Curled Root of My Deciduous Tree

On Discovering a Very Interesting Something Hidden Away in the Trees

I became uninvolved in advance today, As odd as that may seem. It seemed like the best I could do, you see To retain my self-esteem I’ve decided it wouldn’t work out, work out There is no point in checking it out, it out I shall murder those feelings I cannot endure, I’ll trample the seedlings before they mature! There are plenty of fish in the sea so they say Uninvolved, unwary, unwed and un-gay. So why do I feel such remorse and regret When nothing has happened as yet, as yet? Just Off the East Reservoir Path, Central Park