
Showing posts with the label brooklyn

AirBn Believe It Or Not

At Last! An Air BnB entire floor-through Stuyesant Heights garden apartment with incredible energy!  See for the listing.  Monroe Street Garden Apartment (after)

Manhattan at Night, From the Brooklyn Bridge

A small rat noses down the puddled track bed, Hunched up night-shifters wait for a train. Elevators at attention with doors closed, They’re working late on the 32 nd floor. Manhattan at Night ~ from the Brooklyn Bridge

A bubblegum World

Time shattered that day, when I saw through a crack, another teaming, seething, crystal world, (I was stuck on my usual side) It was a   bubblegum world, with grassy places, trees awake with new leaves, old limbs fading with the death of winter, Look, There’s a beauty!   Boughs swinging in the windy sun, searching for a new spring nest.   

A Popsickle Day

Once upon a time, long before now, When the grass was as green as a lollypop~ Off we went down the sidewalk edge, looking for a piece of eternity. It was a popsicle day, With trees saturated in summer~ Sidewalks so hot you needed shoes, You could fry an egg if you wanted, they said. We were warned of course, about crossing the street, We were threatened, coerced and cautioned~ Of course we crossed it anyway, As we scattered away that diamond day.

The Poetry Of Life

Let the plant wither if it must, the seed fell days ago; Stuck in a pod, half blind, trapped in a cold puddle, Like some muddied, pock-marked, leftover snowball. Too dismal to throw. I have nothing to do but hibernate. What am I some kind of iced-over, frost bitten hedgehog? I’m shrinking!   How can this be with all these trickles? I’m down to a husk of a thing, rattling around like some blind-sided snail. I’m dying out here! Or  maybe drying; at least things are improving, I mean how can I do anything about it? OUCH! I’ve been crunched by a rabid runner and stuffed into a furrow! I think I’ll cry...yes... Wait a minute, what is that streaming stuff? Is it dirt?   Is it Sun?   Is it Rain? I’m growing!  Help! I’m being resurrected!" width="530" height="800" alt="20150709-DSC_6974">