
Showing posts with the label mudpuddle

Central Park Spring Thaw

Aching and desiring Shivering into a thawing crack Playing a hide and seeking game Pushing out and holding back. Frozen and burning in the winter fire Spinning and breaking from the inside out Counting on another spring To conjure and decipher what it’s all about.

Mudpuddle Architect

Mudpuddle selecting the very best structures to reflect, in order to devise a fascinating architectural inspiration.  For example, architect Frank Gehry has been known to walk nearby.  Central Park, near the Rambles - December 2012

an Opportunity Dilema

I didn’t rob a bank, oh no, or sprinkle on the DDT, I just selected A to call When B would do as well, that’s all, But B was raw around the edges, don’t you see?.  Now A has all the right relations, A has tact in situations  Needing tricky adaptations.  I have certain expectations! And I resent your accusations! B would never do in certain semi-formal situations!   Oh, but my B , I left B over near the spring, B loves the sound of water so, B cares for the country folks, you know, You'll be all right, I said  You'll forget about me soon. Yet, it's B I carry in my heart, humming the off-key tune,

Creeping Mudpuddles

Several mudpuddle have gone missing in recent weeks, and we are very suspicious.  This clandestine photo appears to reveal  errant mudpuddles cooperating to play a practical joke on two Innocent Tourists. Two tourists searching a mudpuddle map for nearby puddles.

A Secret Passage and a Cloud Covered Moon

In the back of my closet is a secret tunnel. It’s a passage meant for seekers, Fizzing, bubbling, and spinning down through the quarky nuclei of time. I often watched them swimming towards that nano-second slit. Not me, though; I had too many here who loved me, or so I supposed. And I was dizzy with life,  Smelling horses and leather saddles, Smelling dry timber and wet growing twigs, Smelling pine needles in the early morning.   And I was afraid of the dark.    I carry an inner lamp these days, with some crumpled money and silver coins.      There’s a cloud covered moon tonight I am told, And there’s nobody knows how deep it goes.  And I'll go along with the ride.

Mudpuddle Eradication Progress Report

Welcome to the bi-annual meeting of the Northeast Chapter of Mudpuddle Eradicators of America (MEA). As you know, we have invested extensively in new dirt delivery systems and other experimental mudpuddle eradication technologies. The return on these investments has been very promising. This recent photo shows the results of intensive land reconstruction around one of Central Park's most recalcitrant puddles. Notice the very dry dirt clearing behind the leaning tree. Clearly, progress has been made. Western Reservoir Path, October 2010

Blossoms Seek Shelter in MudPuddle

Very often the world is difficult for a blossom, who must remain safe and connected to its branch until budding is secure, and it becomes the proper time to depart.  Each of these foxy blossoms has made a duplicate for backup and saved it in a nearby puddle.

Spring Mud Puddle with blue, blue sky

How do you know it's spring at last?  I looked at the calendar and  wasn't sure, but then I saw the blue, blue sky reflected in a spring raindrop.