
Showing posts with the label buildiings

The Softening of New York City

 Even the sleekest, straightest, tallest, glassiest, richest-by-the-square-foot skyscraper needs a little natural softening-up to lure a wary traveler floating by Sky scraper ~ New York City

A Street Full of Petals

Life seeps away with falling blossoms, Spring leaves left behind, Wet petals everywhere!  

On The Nature Of Gaining Control Of One's Life

Gone are the days when I would lament About this, about that, about where the days went, These days, I know what to do with my time, I relax, I sit back, and I think up a rhyme! Rhyming Leaves Outside 138 E. 94th Street

Happy Pansies Observing Those Who Pass By

There are those who will quibble and nibble and gripe About focus and lighting –well you know the type. They miss all the fun with their nitpicking jury: Some pansies are born to be blurry!

Canada Goose

Canada Goose Grooming at the Reservoir Resting near the North Reservoir, Central Park

Park Avenue Tulip Platter

There are many successful ways to serve tulips. One of the most popular is the Park Avenue Red Tulip Platter featured here in duplicate. Diners are warned, of course, to avoid taxicabs and to obey all traffic signals.

That Elusive Dream

I know it’s the way I am looking at things, So I think I’ll change my mind. The arrows and slings that fortune brings Are the usual kind, I find, so I’ve decided to change the way I project, The way I project, the way I detect To ways positively inclined, so When fate seems determined to screw up the week I'll just give my perceptions a suitable tweak! If plans go awry and we're sadly depressed Well, perhaps we are actually just being blessed With a chance to redeem that unfulfilled dream We may have in our hearts and yet never expressed. New York Kentucky Coffee Tree on a Winter Night

St. Francis De Sales

While feeling off kilter today I decided to take a walk.  Well!  It was 20 degrees F. with 17 miles per hour wind!!  I sought shelter after a couple of very chilly blocks.  And look what's inside 135 East 96th Street! Saint Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church 135 East 96th Street New York, NY 10128

Pedestrian Barely Escapes

Traffic! Wind! Snow! Crosswalks!  Green light; Red light!  !!  "R"U"N"  !! Pedestrian escapes, barely!

DIA: Design in Absentia?

OK. I am usually very accepting of interesting sorts of conglomerates.   I mean, if an architect wants to bend reality and create a  sort of Arabian, Vatican, Mongolian, Tee Pee-shaped Yurt-lookalike hut collection, it is really OK with me. Furthermore, If you want to put these symbolically unfortunate constructions on top of an airport for some reason, go ahead and  negotiate it with the political context of the time. If they don't lose my baggage, I will assume it is some sort of Frank Gehry Neuveaux Shape-Shifting ideation. So my question is:  Who, how, when, why --and  especially, where did they find an architect to match these glaringly haute couture-draped forms-in-search-of-a-function with that unbelievable 5 or 6 story Moscow- of-the-50s parking garage in the foreground?  The whole thing is --there must be a word.... Denver International Airport, 2013

Epipheny in Blue

There is an advantage of having Blue as the New Red and Green. It suits the chilled evening wanderers, as they go passing through an epiphany. East 58th Street, New York, 2013 (Taken with iPhone)

Christmas Shopping in a New York City Electronics Store

I know I'll find it here; everybody says if it isn't here, then it isn't anywhere. I already tried there and it wasn't there, so maybe they are right... But wait! Where in here is it? It's not here, there isn't anything here that I even recognize~! Where is the exit?? I know it was here! Right here! Oh My Gosh! I'm upside down! Where are the electronic police?  Is this cyuberspace??  Help!  Help! I'm trapped upside down in a New York Electronics store! New York Electronics Store

In the Attic

The brass bed is there, and the haspy trunk  My doll is inside with her blue net dress, Remember her brown painted hair? I see Hamster resting in a winter bushel basket  Frozen, curled into an arc.  I try to thaw him out, but things have gone too far.   There's the ukelele on the baseboard track,  Pulsing along, measuring the sound,  Spinning up the tune, tying things together. What do I do with the old bedspread?  Fine woven sleeps,  Fresh made mornings.  I‘d give it away if I could.  

Time Travel

Window Blue, May 2011 > Window Blue, May 2012. Christian, Urban Tree-Bed Consultant, and Person with Hat, May 21, 2011

Alive: to be aware of (De La Vega Drawing)

Two small beings lived on my path for a while today. Is there any doubt they are in love? De La Vega, May 2012: 3rd Avenue at 91st