
Showing posts with the label new york city

The Softening of New York City

 Even the sleekest, straightest, tallest, glassiest, richest-by-the-square-foot skyscraper needs a little natural softening-up to lure a wary traveler floating by Sky scraper ~ New York City

Dancing Ginkgo Biloba in Full Fall Colors

   I'm happy, and I'm dancing and I'm Yellow! (or Flavo if you prefer the more flavorful Latin) Family Ginkgoaceae – Ginkgo family Genus Ginkgo L. – ginkgo Species Ginkgo biloba L. – maidenhair tree                                           Premium Specimen of a New York Park Avenue Gingko Biloba

Fall Transitions Written in Leaves

I’ve had my share of trinkets Cluttering up my days. Memories are tugging at me, tying me down, Or did I settle in?    My days are scattering like matches, Burning up the moments. Summer shrivels up like a prune, Sucking sap back into the root of things. A turtle digs down below frost line, Preparing for its winter nap.     A shark swims by and leaves no trace, yet something turns up missing.  

A Fountain of Clouds

Every now and then our brave photographer comes across a truly amazing sight, and today we are blessed by the birth of a rainbow. Rainbow Fountain Full of Clouds    

A Street Full of Petals

Life seeps away with falling blossoms, Spring leaves left behind, Wet petals everywhere!  

A bubblegum World

Time shattered that day, when I saw through a crack, another teaming, seething, crystal world, (I was stuck on my usual side) It was a   bubblegum world, with grassy places, trees awake with new leaves, old limbs fading with the death of winter, Look, There’s a beauty!   Boughs swinging in the windy sun, searching for a new spring nest.   

Coney Island, June 15

One sky looking down with clouds missing, Spirit winds blowing in the empty spaces, No hiding behind, no holding back, no letting be. Listening for old sounds in the waters, barely hearing the here and now, Cutting away at the stains of memory. Mama Nyaah *

Days End

Day filled with crystal windows, Double sided shadows, Bark wet from melting snow, Ready. Sap sneaking up the roots, waiting for a headstart incidental chance, Blossoms barely aware of themselves. It was the sunniest day. Dark travels, rolling across the empty highways, Sidling up to the day, Muddling up the after effects, Settling up the score.

Happy Thanksgiving = New York 2013 !!

With gratitude for Grace, Beauty, Kindness, and Love

It's Raining, Isn't it?

I crave those times I refused to notice, when I lived behind the separator, catching reflections in the transparent screen: red snowsuits glancing by in January, spring-green boots. August—limp, dry, sticky with sap. Camping in the lodgepole pines, quiet needle carpets crunching, hiking, breathing, always such a long way to go. Why am I always, always last? I am weighted down with last year’s dinners. I see a paint drip frozen dry on the yellow wall. Why notice it now, when the time to fix is over? Staring out the dusty window, Rain throwing spatters down my face. From Light to Dark on Madison Avenue

Grackle Observing Phenomena

Grackle watching spring unfold in Central Park Central Park Near the Boathouse If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here Mission for today: Take care to notice one bird; sparrows are usually available. See how it moves from flight to landing to flight. Watch it do something sparrow-ish. It's always a good idea to take a note. Inhale...Exhale... Check this out on Chirbit
Tromp, tromp, shiver and shake It’s too cold to take a walk to the lake We will stay in bed with a book instead And post a shot from a previous lot. ********  Today’s Quiz: The woman in this picture is a) Throwing away an ice cream wrapper b) Petting a small animal c) Reprimanding a small child (out of frame on the right) d) Looking for a toy submarine without a periscope. e) Other   Women at North West Corner of Harlem Meer YES! The correct answer is ---                                                          e) Other  !!

Love and the Drop Off Points

What happens when love takes the time to strengthen, what happens if it passes, and the day tomorrow leaves behind is chilled and withed, holding us without a chance, at the drop off point where death takes over, how can we hold the weary fort, when battle scars the very heart of the earth. How can we love without knowing, how can we hold on without a knotted center keeping us from flying off, how can I watch the day die and still live to see the morning sneaking back to life against the sallow sky? I did, and then I turned around and just walked out of the picture. What could I do? I didn't know how to talk it over. Magnolia Buds in December, Central Park

Isn't Anybody Paying Attention??

Really, I don't want to keep harping on it, but the buildings in Manhattan keep evaporating, and nobody is paying attention! Here's another one downtown, just turning into mist before our eyes, and not a bus, not a bus passenger, nobody seems to be missing them! I don't know what to do anymore. I mean, who do you call? Lower Manhattan, West Side