
A Past Unkempt and Fading

It’s just a shadow after all, but I had the sun, I knew the moon, I owned a grey wall full of maps, A hankering to travel.  I had a star one time, but I cannot recall the color. Today crashed into me again, with sweet wind and a sun-swept sidewalk, stinging my hands like ice, Sucking me out through a black day-hole, Shifting into ecstasy.

Gems and Stems and Leaves on Trees and Limes and Rhymes

Just focus! Focus is what people say you should do when there’s too many to-do’s in play. So today I focused on pizza and tea. Yes I did! You may think I just wanted a rhyme, it’s not true!  I wanted a pizza, you see.   The tea was just something to go with the lime, left over from shopping last month sometime. So I tried very hard just to focus at all, on a single event among billions this fall, on one tree at a time, among millions of trees. One leaf at a time among thousands of these. With hundreds of branches on each one of them, I selected, at random, a beautiful gem, full of rubies and gold with a silvery stem.

Conservancy Gardens Beauties: Owners, Dogs, Bouquets, and a Shy Mum


Young Fall Mallard Female Dines in the Afternoon on Algae

Pale by comparison to the male, I have heard said, but how is it possible to compare beauty with beauty? Female Mallard Dines in the Harlem Meer More information: Algae @ the Meer

Horse Chesnut Donates a Leaf

Our young fall-colored tree is two years old! There's no doubt now that this tree is a Horse Chestnut.  Look at the the leaf cluster donated to the young leaf-collecting  girl.  It's a Horse Chestnut for sure, and it's name is TrippleC. TrippleC at two years old TrippleC's first Central Park Autumn

A Galaxy of Chrysanthemums

Amid the Milky Ways A stem of sunrises

Muted Colors

At first I saw nothing at all