
Showing posts from September, 2013

Of Course I Remember September!

Of course I remember September! Red cliffs of rosy, happy sandstone, trees glowing, no fear for winter, not those days with all our layers. I settled down though, under greyer skies, . foggy skies with rubber boots on, wading through the white caps, sailing over dark green waters. What if I hadn’t jumped at the chance? Lept into the backseat of that four door traveling fall? There’s only words left now, just a bunch of letters strewn along, making up lines as they go.      A bread crumb life, longing after the sandstone hills, Oh, how I need another century! A Wet Day in Late September Mission for today: What if we have another Century afterall? 1. Think about what you might do tomorrow then, 2. Why not? 3. I mean, it's only one day, right? It's always a good idea to take a note. “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” — Audrey Hepburn posted by

Jail Break! Jail Break!

Attention All Bystanders! Attention ! Attention !! We had an early report of a Flower Breakout on the Upper East Side, and the rumors have been confirmed! Several dozen small daisy-like blossoms, including stems, have managed to escape confinement and are loose and at large. Several have been captured, but many are still out there! Although these particular inmates are not known to be dangerous, they have been under house arrest for many months and may have acquired questionable behavior characteristics. Even worse, these blossoms may be in danger themselves, from unattentive walkers and unfriendly dogs! If you spot any suspicious flowers and stems of any kind, please notify The Authorities instantly. You may save a life. Escaping flowers caught in the glare of a searching headlight

A Rose of the Last Day of Summer

Sept 21, 2013:  Eat 90s New York City

On Thinking Back to Summer

Edgy and exhausted, broken, held together like safety glass, walking around covered with clothes, inside shivering in the dull sun. Heart careening from chakra to chakra looking for a place to mend. How is the sky still a happy blue, with all those clouds scratching? Dry green leaves scraping over each other, pretending its still summer. Grated afternoons garnishing that shrunken hot dog, withered down to a shriveled string. How did it look so plump under that awful sauerkraut? Colorado Late Summer Squiva Trained Picnic Model

A New Sort of Something...

Hippity happily hoppity cheese Tra la la tra la lo pickles and peas Eenie and meenie and olives and ham He loves me he doesn’t I don’t give a damn. This is a riddle of dubious merit, There isn’t a stick and there isn’t a carrot, What is the question and what is the clue? It’s a new kind of riddle, a total break through! We’re deep and we’re smart so there must be a lesson I’ve got it! We’re stocking a delicatessen! Sandwiches, condiments, peanuts and brew, Ice cream and cookies and Katmandu—  Katmandu? No, I mean Cordon Bleu! Whew…. Delicatessen in Sag Harbor


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, With the odds of success about one in ten, Is it time to re-think what my methods have been? I’ve tried it before, And I'll try it some more! Sooner or later I’ll settle the score. Remember that time when it all seemed to work? Obsessing, regressing, and going berserk? It's bound to recur, or was it a quirk? It will all be OK if I have my way! Maybe I’ll rant and maybe I’ll pray, But whatever I do, I will have my say! Hurray! red flower


Shafts of light slice through the loosened boards Scrabbling along the hay-washed floor dimming down the dusty corners still smelling of the dry harvests. Horse a little restless in her stall. Or is that rustle cut from a different day? Green hayfields full of noisy birds, mixed flocks foraging in sparking swirls, hushing down in the green-yellow grasses. Love pushing into the afternoons, still evenings drenched with dreams. Southern Colorado near Crestone