
Early Summer Green

It’s rusty in the garage, that old power mower. Fan belt and starter cord. BBRRiiieeeeeeiiimmmmc-c -c ccc  BRRRrrrrriiiiiiiiimBRUMMMmmmm mmmmm Black noise, oily gas-- no sleeping in! Dad, holding back the unleashed thing, Keeping on track, alive with danger. I think about those reel hand mowers-- Blades bent in tempered waves, Snipping off the grass and clover. Push--Push, sticky with playng.  Will you please mow the damn lawn? Whirrr sc ccscscscscscssscciciciccc, whirr. So much time invested In this simple act of keeping up. The soft and drying new mown streaks, Those raked-up clippings, bubbly with summer, That green, sweet, dewy smell of morning, Dinner outside early in the afternoon.

Lilacs, Lilacs

As soft as a lilac; as sweet as spring, as beautiful as morning dew Lilacs in the Conserancy Gardens, Central Park

Love Among the Tulips

The spiritual essence of Spring! Park Bench in the French Garden in Central Park

Beauty rains on those who stay and those who go

Once upon a time, back in the day, a lovely mob of hybrid tulips danced among the granite. Trinity, by Lara Calloway

Shelter From The Storms

This is Pink Sherbert, sometimes called Sparkle Water because of the sparkling edges on her petals. Against all weather she has held steadfastly to her mission of beauty. Butter Cream has taken shelter in the lee of a parked car to escape the worst of the wet and wind-swept day.

On the Art of Focus

I’ll say it again and I’ve said it before, Distance is something you cannot ignore. Too far from the shot, it will look like a dot on a blurry Seurat. Is it a Bird? How absurd! What a bore.

Poetic Responses

Yesterday I emailed some loyal fans the following ditty: Ho Ho!  Ho Ho! It’s off to bed I go!! Worked late tonight, It's quite  all right, I thought you’d like to know.  -- L And I got some wonderful responses!  Only first initials are given, since I didn't get permission, but if I am notified, I shall amend this post accordingly Hi ho, hi ho I'm very glad to know I pray your sleep is rich, and deep tomorrow fresh to go!    -- M   Hi, Hi, Ho, Ho, Greetings to Linda Jo, We'll all be best If you get some rest. Then, on with the show!  -- V --and-- words are pictures too:) Good morning!  --  R Central Park Reservoir, April 2011