Two friends and I met for lunch Monday,

... and we didn't know what to do about the eclipse, No cameras  no glasses, no cereal box, no pin holes,so we decided to take a taxi up to Fifth Avenue to Central Park anyway. It was 2:15, and we walked in just north of the museum. Well there were people all over the place, and friend Rita asked the first three guys where they got their glasses, and she said I'm jealous, and one of them said, "here", and gave us a pair of glasses. It 2:44 when it was at the height, so we went on up the hill.  And finally the sun came out behind a limb, and it was a teeny tiny little red thing with a black thing in front of it and black all around and it made me so happy to see it.

Please don't leave page before the photo~~!!

 and it just made our other friend Gabrielle happy-- she just kept saying "I'm so happy'.  So I'm standing on the sidewalk with these glasses and people walking by me, and so I said to couple of people, "have you seen the eclipse?" and they said no.  I said, "here look through these", and that's what they did.  And all they said was "oh my gosh", "that's amazing", "wow".

I did it with some people with cereal boxed snd what not-there method got a blurry black and white image.  The each one said wow. Etc! There was a woman with a cane who could hardy barely walk. She came over clutching a  cane, hooked it on a railing and then she saw it. and she said WOW-- she couldn't get over it; she was so happy she was grinning from ear-to-ear and her granddaughter kept coming back to see it.  And so all in all it was about at least 12 people that I gave the glasses to, and let them experience this, and every one of them, even the guy sitting on the bench who was pretending to be asleep (maybe because he had a camera but no glasses), he opened an eye and got up and looked--even he was wow-happy. And I realized that is part of what I want to do in Life or what I do. You do it to. it is to let people discover life and in their heart- real  happiness and understanding that comes from seeing real things -not just jokes.

And I remember in the front yard or the side yard of my Brother's house in Santa Fe with a telescope looking at I think it was the moon.  I worked for NASA, and I'd seen all those NASA photos ( one of them changed my Consciousnes--the film of the astronaut who could almost Reach Out And Touch the blue ball of Earth)--that changed my Consciousness, and so did a little experience like that Moon in my Brother's backyard,  because it was real and it's right there!   These are indelible experiences where we share, just to include and to affect another life, momentarily, that they may forever remember the solar eclipse of August 21st, and out of nowhere it let them create happiness.  

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Eclipse August 21, 2017 in Crestone, Colorado (By Larry Calloway)



Anonymous said…
Was a wonderful social experience in NYC people on the street looking up and sharing glasses. A lovely unifying, humbling one. And your photo is soooo amazing. Thanks for sharing this. M

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