Lift Off At Sundown

A traveling thought billowed into my mind
(I had a sad little broken-bottle life, till then)

Long beaches full of empty shells
with six-foot rattlers, so I hear
Water moccasins down there somewhere, too
Spiders and roaches. Which is worse?
Not a sidewalk at all in the county

Photos stick together in the mildew sun
Thirty-six story spacecraft under Climate Control.

No looking further than the front way out
No window washing, locking doors
Bouncing about like a shot without a sling,
My soul was on vacation, so maybe that was it.
Something took a nip and a tuck out from my life
So, I trimmed up for the season, and I sailed back home.

I know I should have taken up a life of crime
but, the threat seemed just too hollow.

I see the animations on the edge of time
The orbiters are swimming too close to the light.
We are all of us moths, when the flight seems right.

ducks edging the sunset reservoir 20140115-DSC_0450.jpg


Anonymous said…
Cape Canaveral?
Anonymous said…
Hmm, I think it's sleeping ducks resting before blasting off. Let sleeping ducks fly…
Anonymous said…
This is a really good shot, keep getting better. I like the dogs on the bench because each one seems to have it's own personality. Mae

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