Attention Nova! Multi-Cyberverse

Hello? Hello??

I may be cut off at any moment! Here's what has happened!

I was minding my own business on an off-brand bus going from Denver to Moffat Colorado, when we stopped in Fairplay (read South Park) for a rest stop. I got up, left the bus, purchased a coffee, and boarded again. Something seemed a little off, yes, but still it was familiar enough. Imagine my shock, when over to my left I spied a phantom shadow of another bus! I glanced toward the front of my bus, and there sat my sixth grade gym teacher with a famous particle physicist. Help! I yelled. Clearly unheard, I looked around in desperate dismay.

At last, up in the mid-center of my field of view, was a dim and fading Emergency Exit sign. I roused myself and lurched my way toward the dimming red sign. As I careened forward I spotted a second bus on a right bend in the road. I leaped through the fading door.

There I was pulling out of the Fairplay parking lot as though no time had passed! Yet as we went along, I caught a glimpse of a parallel disappearing bus in the forest to the left.  Nothing was left behind but my high-speed Internet connection.

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