The Same Old Spring

It’s another reprise of the same old trees,   
The same old views with the same old hues,
The same old birds and the same old bees,
Why bother with buds (they’re here every spring)
A twig with a blossom, a bird on the wing?   
I think I’ll stay home.  It’s chilly today.  
Why go out of my way when it’s there every day? 
I’ll give it a chance in a moment or two,
I’ll wander around and look over the view.

Oh my gosh, look at that. It’s a beautiful sight!
But I saw it last night in the very same light! 
It’s the very same tower but different some how
It’s the very same water but look at it now!
It’s the very same tree with the very same bough!
I’m excited, I’m giddy, it’s joyous, it’s free
It’s the best thing all day and it's happened to me!

reservoir at dusk in April 004

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