Rocky the Rock Sculpture, continued...

From a super reader (bf.)  [watch out for that triangular cleavage]
As I dimly recall (Geology 101), Central Park & most of the city has 2 major rock formations: sparkly mica schist & hornblend schist (triangular cleavage,I think).  But "Rocky" looks like one of the boulders--not "country rock"-- that got rolled over from New Jersey during the last glacial movement--maybe Palisades diabase? There's a great big one up at the Cloisters.
Bit of interest: the mica schist in our neck of the woods is not biotite mica (dark sparkle) but muscovite (white sparkle) so-called because the Russians used sheets of it for stoves that both warmed & illuminated. 

THANK YOU!!!  I love these things. 

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