Thimblefull goes on a Quest

Once upon a time, in a far away country, there lived a small tree dwelling thimblefull.
Now Thimblefull was happy enough, but the time came when that yearning angst set in.
Thimblefull wanted out.
Thimblefull wanted a romantic escapade.
Thimblefull wanted freedom,
Thimblefull wanted ….You know, that’s how angst is.

Off Thimblefull went across the grassy place, under the fall leaves.
After trudging the leafy path for awhile, Thumblefull came to a dark tunnel.
“I’ll just crawl in here and wait for dinner”, he thought, not knowing where dinner had ever come from.
Thimblefull was bright enough, but really not very smart.
After an hour or so, when no tidbits showed up to eat, thimblefull became anxious and afraid.
This had never happened before.

It seemed like a good idea to whistle.
"Whoooistle, whoooistle", said Thumblefull.
(eltsiooohw, eltsiooohw), said Something.
"What was that," said Thimblefull, and whistled again.
“Yes! Yes, it's a sound! But where is, is, is it a..She?”
Thimblefull was ever hopeful.
(whooshi-istle-tee, hee, hi there, …)
Sliding down a nearby twig was the most beautiful creature!
(my name is llufelbmith, and you’re cute), said She.
Poor Thimblefull was struck dumb!

Together, Thimblefull and llufelbmith found a sheltering bush,
with lots of tasty tidbits,
near a happy lamp.

Well, you know how it goes.
Nov29Dusk 008

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