On Clarity

Once Upon a Time. What a wonderful phrase. I tried to look up 'Upon' in my Mother's old Thesaurus, and it was not in the index of words. My new Thesaurus has it though, and it is crosses with a lot of 'w' words: whereupon, whereon, whereat {eat anywhere you like}, whereto whereuntil, wherewith, wherefore, and on another tack entirely, hereinafter.

Actually, both Thesaurus' have 'once upon a time' in them. How about these synonyms: heretofore, aforetime, erenow, hitherto, one fine day and time was? I would personally suggest adding wheretofore and whitherto.

Anyway, Once Upon a Time while sitting at my desk, I was wondering about the fate of a caterpillar, when all of a sudden it occurred to me to concern myself with my own. Fate, that is. Pondering, I set out in my mind to wonder about why people and pets come and go more or less individually, while the leaves fed upon by their bugs seem to do it all at once. All at once, I began to think about hibernation, and things went downhill from there on in.

I was looking for clarity in all the wrong places, so you know how far I got.
catapillar buds fix

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