The first snowdrops of Spring
Finally! The snow has melted under the newly curled Witch Hazel blooms, and look what we found? Galanthus! But wait~~ Galanthus is a genus, not a snowdrop. What's worse, it is a small genus. What in the world is a small genus?
And while we are at it, what is a genus after all? Well, it's a category. A category of plants or animals that ranks "next above the species and next below the family".* Ergo, we have the family Amaryllidaceae----->genus galanthus----->Species -~-hmmm. Are the snowdrops the species? Or the Genus? Shall we get back to the point?
Here with us today, under the enchanted witch hazel tree, is a slew of happy snowdrops watching spring.
* Galanthus is a small genus of about 20 species in the family Amaryllidaceae commonly known as Snowdrops. Most flower in winter, before the Spring Equinox (OFTEN on 21st March in the Northern Hemisphere--Italics are mine)
And while we are at it, what is a genus after all? Well, it's a category. A category of plants or animals that ranks "next above the species and next below the family".* Ergo, we have the family Amaryllidaceae----->genus galanthus----->Species -~-hmmm. Are the snowdrops the species? Or the Genus? Shall we get back to the point?
Here with us today, under the enchanted witch hazel tree, is a slew of happy snowdrops watching spring.
* Galanthus is a small genus of about 20 species in the family Amaryllidaceae commonly known as Snowdrops. Most flower in winter, before the Spring Equinox (OFTEN on 21st March in the Northern Hemisphere--Italics are mine)