
(r.) MAIA's Flowers and Fans

Maia's flower and fan shop, 1143 Park Avenue

A Quiet Spot for a Kindle and a Picnic

Unleashing hidden joys Clouds with curled edges, Blimps, balloons, hawkers, soda cans and Ice. Swinging, searching, back and forth. Nothing celestial at all.  

On the Nature of a Brick Wall

Have you ever found yourself  up against a Brick Wall?  Have you run into a Brick Wall lately? Well, try to sit back, relax and enjoy the view!

Magic Tree is Caught in the Act

This incredible photo captures our Magic Tree in the actual act of generating magic!!  Look how she shimmers; look how she appears to float above the bridle path!  Look how she showers magical power unbound by earthly space and time.  Watch carefully in the next few days for magic in your life and those around you.

Reverent Puddle

Church of the Heavenly Rest Reflected in puddle across from Fifth Avenue & 90th

In with the New!

Why can’t I move in a new direction? What agonizing hatreds hold me back?  What whirring mental drill pins me into yesterday? Stealing time, I gather up those dead sheaves of might-have-beens. It’s not too late to burn those tired yesterdays.  Throw out the broken novel, and the tired loves, Cast off the scuffed up ribbons in your mind, Slink away from sad, horrific possibilities.  Worm back into the lattice work of life; Lose track of the exit signs! The world is new with a limitless sky. It’s time for a piece of a different pie.   N is for New

Young Spruce Tree has Company, Sheltered from the Rain
