
New Life

Last year Coffee, our small New York Kentucky Coffee Tree, barely survived.  Stunned by some unknown environmental factor, Coffee almost lost her life.  The Parks Department and the Carnegie Hill Neighbors Association said there was a chance of a recovery of her spirit in spring, and we showered love and blessings upon her, with a little bone meal. Well!  Look at Coffee now!  Strong, green, bursting with energy.   Big Coffee is also doing super well, heavy with green leaves and new sproutings.  Thank you all good forces in the Universe and those  beyond space and time.  We'll show you Big Coffee very soon.

Fountain Sails Across the Italian Garden in Central Park

 A couple of knots later and we would be Too Late.  Fountains usually stay where we expect them to be, but now and then, when the day is just the right way, and the factors are aligned just so, Geyser Fountain sets sail for an evening voyage, showering blessings on the paths it crosses, following its unknown particular star. Thank goodness we got there in time to see~!

Sparrow Convention in the Secret Garden

Sparrows and people arriving for the bi-weekly Sparrow Convention, held this time in the Conservancy Garden's Secret Garden.   shhhhhh.

Here’s a Nice Rug, Let’s Just Sweep Things Under It

Well, yes, there is a vacancy Down near my heart, but so what! There’s no sign on the lawn! It’s clearly an error. Give it up, get a grip! No ‘for sale’’, no ‘for rent’,  so forget it!  Metropolitan Museum of Art, Islamic Galleries (iPhone photo)

In the Attic

The brass bed is there, and the haspy trunk  My doll is inside with her blue net dress, Remember her brown painted hair? I see Hamster resting in a winter bushel basket  Frozen, curled into an arc.  I try to thaw him out, but things have gone too far.   There's the ukelele on the baseboard track,  Pulsing along, measuring the sound,  Spinning up the tune, tying things together. What do I do with the old bedspread?  Fine woven sleeps,  Fresh made mornings.  I‘d give it away if I could.  

Time Travel

Window Blue, May 2011 > Window Blue, May 2012. Christian, Urban Tree-Bed Consultant, and Person with Hat, May 21, 2011

Alive: to be aware of (De La Vega Drawing)

Two small beings lived on my path for a while today. Is there any doubt they are in love? De La Vega, May 2012: 3rd Avenue at 91st