
Showing posts with the label creating time

In Memory of Trees

My apple tree at home was the best tree in the neighborhood. The apples were firm and crispy tart. I loved that tree. Full and red with apples. Full and pink with blossoms. You must go look. The leaves are getting quietly sere. Thinner, now, and we can see the grass on the hill over there where the linden trees are, across the way. full and dark limbed with white snow, Icicles! Frosty windows! Ditches and leaves and mica studded sand.

Wait No More My Person!

I'm through with waiting. I thought about it, and waiting is a waste of energy. Wait, wait. No! I am–from now on—engaged. Or, if you wish, otherwise engaged. I have been watching a mentor of mine. Always, she has a book. Others have laptops. Laptops are difficult to unencumber, and to unzip, and don’t do well on long trips and subways, and they are boring in restaurants. Books! Books go anywhere. I don’t mean the 2 pound textbooks; I mean paperbacks made from thin air pages. I know, I know. You can get electronic books, but I like a book book. Out it comes. Right where I left off! So: Your Mission for Today is: Obtain one book. Put it in a warm place. Congratulations! You have provisions, you are prepared! This is Linda Jo Calloway, Discovering meaning in life. If you like, you can view a video of this blog! Click below!