Tulip Hunting In Central Park

To some people, it may seem as though tulip hunting in Central Park is a very unchallenging pass time, since there are so many tulips available.  However, if you are searching for a particular yellow tulip, surrounded by buds of red and yellow compatriots, of the Parade type, and in a very specific general spot, and of a particular age, well then!  There is nothing like the rewards of discovering just this tulip, and capturing it on film.

Tulip Hunter Succeeds! (Photo by Lara C. of Chicago).


Ellen said…
Only one problem with this great photo--Near your right hand (to the left of the photo) is a blurry object that might (gasp!) just be a bunch of tulips picked in the park???
LInda Jo said…
Hi! I love your comments. The blurry spot is just a colleection of weedy things. There are no other tulips around for maybe a 100 feet! There is one lone, red tulip that is in the middle of the lot between these (on about 101st street east side and the path through the park down to the 102 street cross street. Maybe I ought to look at a map!
Barbara Miller said…
Linda Jo, how do you stay so young-looking? You look fabulous! I love your blog; I don't miss a day of it.
LInda Jo said…
Wonderful to hear from you!! It's all optical illusions. Got to get to California soon.

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