Wish List

It's what I wanted,
A capacity to crave for life,
To feel raw and potent earth inside,
Intestines smoldering with empathetic longing

But then perhaps it's just a mood,
An echo after all,
falling on a meadow with the grain past the green,
Dry now and full of stickers.

Oh don’t dwell! You’ve weathered worse.
Keep a move on, the light is changing, move along now.
It’s time to find a nearby twig to tie a tether to.

Now wait a minute.  Let's not add 'hasty' to this craven bog.
I'd like a little gaiety, a smolder here a petal there
A reckless wanton  episode.
Who says we can't, and whose to stop us?
Look what I found among the ripened brambles!

Brookly Botanical rose fix


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