Incomprehensible feeling Illustrated by Incomprehensible Flower
I feel like somebody is pulling a burning muscle at the center of me.
So I have decided on self-hypnosis.
Tick, tock, tacky-A, tick tock tacky-B, Tickytockytacky-C
(That’s tacky in the tactile taffy sense, not the simple tacky tacky sense.)
Ok. Concentrate: Hmmm, ummm…
(I wonder what ever happened to that thingamajig. You know that one over in the mall next to the carousel?)
Oh, sorry, back to concentration. Ummhmmmm hmm
So I have decided on self-hypnosis.
Tick, tock, tacky-A, tick tock tacky-B, Tickytockytacky-C
(That’s tacky in the tactile taffy sense, not the simple tacky tacky sense.)
Ok. Concentrate: Hmmm, ummm…
(I wonder what ever happened to that thingamajig. You know that one over in the mall next to the carousel?)
Oh, sorry, back to concentration. Ummhmmmm hmm
Snap, snap--wake up!
Aha! It’s gone, I Just bid it goodbye.
Away like the wind. How Lucky am I.
Life is fine, life is grand, life is under control.
I play by the rules, I play by the role
I like it! I do. It was all in my mind.
No 'up' and no 'down', I’m completely aligned.
I’m happy. I’m fine. The bud has been nipped.
A tick and a tack and a passion’s ungripped!
But wait! What’s that ponderous chimeric form?
That vaporous shimmering beckoning storm?
Scat! You’re not real, go away or I’ll shoot!
You’re a messy mirage and a menace to boot!
Incomprehensible flower from the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, 2010 August