
Southern Colorado

Time swept you away, and I am left with beauty. Somewhere near South Park, Southern Colorado

Southern Colorado

Time swept you away, and I am left with beauty. Somewhere near South Park, Southern Colorado

Promises Wait for Another New Day

The midnight sky is stuffed with moonlight, but you wouldn’t know it from the afternoon, filled with grey rain along the edges. Two figures walk along the empty road, foreground vivid with the here and now, while the vanishing point draws relentless close. What destinies wait behind that grey horizon, waiting for the early sun to polish up those dreams we left for dead the night before. .

On Shakespeare and flora

Would a Rose of Sharon smell as sweet  If it were named a hollyhock? From the new Garden at Cooper Hewitt Museum, Smithsonian Design Museum

The Gold of Life

What will happen to my soul when you are gone? Will I tack it to a wall in a makeshift frame? Reservoir, late evening in July

Ounce Takes A Bath

Ounce has developed a Characteristic that is not altogether happy.  Ounce does not like to share. We know already how much Ounce Loves water.  But look how the entire bathbowl is, in the opinion of Ounce, reserved for sole occupancy.  Of course Ounce finaly gives up and flees! Our amazing photo-journalist has captured this revealing video.  Click the play arrow, and then click the squarish thing on the bottom right of the video for Full Screen!  Don't forget to come back.... \ If all else fails, click on the link below

The Pigeon Chronicles

The Pidgeon Chronicles, Missive IV Perhaps you missed missives I-III, I know I did [See Footnote]. Nevertheless, I am here to report I have suffered enough! As an Urban Volunteer, I embarked on my annual Tree Bed planting obligation, and I completed my task 11 days ago: Plant shade-adoring impatiens: Done! Plant with a growing moon: Done! Plant in loose soil: Done! Water and fertilize well: Done! Plant 6 inches apart: Done! By now there should be happy buds and a few new blooms. But No! I have simply watched the existing blossoms wane away with the waxing moon. Well!Later that same afternoon I discovered  Pigeon sitting on one impatiens and nibbling on another . Stricken, I yelled and shooed. Pigeon moved a few inches. I flapped and waved, and that Very Pigeon hopped to my next tree bed over! I ran indoors to notify the Pigeon Police, but by the time they arrived with the net, that Very Pigeon was gone. Well, this happened three times in a row, and now the