
Snowdrops! Spring is Taxiing Down the Runway!

Boulder watching over the First Snowdrops of the year.

Late Winter MudPuddle

There is nothing quite as captivating as a Late Winter MudPuddle, preparing for spring, and with a walking Tree !

On the Art of Self discovery

Robin, Robin Redbreast, where art thou? "I’m sitting in a tree but I don’t know how; I ended up here on this limb somehow." You flew around and landed there as simple as can be. "You’re very funny so they say, but why me instead of thee?" You silly bird I’ll tell you why, It’s difficult for me to fly, But you have feathers and wings and things! "I do? Oh my Gosh! Are these things wings?" Central Park Magnolia Tree Getting Ready for Spring Addendum from Vera A. of Denver Standing tall upon the crest, greeting Spring - Robin redbreast. Looking regal, fat and firm Scanning for a nice March worm. Gingerly testing out his skill. Can I still do the robin trill? What a voice! You're right on track. We're so glad to see you back.
Is there something about February? And if so, is it over now? What is that greyish inkling-type of thing that keeps crawling around my feet? I think it’s trying to trip me up! Here I go out to have a great day, and before I know it there’s this yellow angst. I mean, yellow is a beautiful color usually, but it does not add sunshine to angst. Well, it's March now, and February can continue to dim. It's time to get that Lion onto the stage! February turns to March (Awaiting the arrival of Lion)

A Book of Revelations

There’s a secret self inside me hidden, dry as tinder, waiting for the fuse to spark. Lighting up the ancient networks finding dreams as bright as the day they were born.

'Tis Cold, 'Tis Winter, 'Tis Sunless!

Oh Winter Sun, where art Thou? Thou art Missing! Oh Spring Thaw, why art Thee not nipping at my frozen Roots? 'Tis nigh on March! Art thou Shy? Harlem Meer in February 2013 For the likely derivation of this scale, see Fahrenheit, The Straight Dope

That Elusive Dream

I know it’s the way I am looking at things, So I think I’ll change my mind. The arrows and slings that fortune brings Are the usual kind, I find, so I’ve decided to change the way I project, The way I project, the way I detect To ways positively inclined, so When fate seems determined to screw up the week I'll just give my perceptions a suitable tweak! If plans go awry and we're sadly depressed Well, perhaps we are actually just being blessed With a chance to redeem that unfulfilled dream We may have in our hearts and yet never expressed. New York Kentucky Coffee Tree on a Winter Night