
Individual in Black on Random Upstate Park Bench

This impostor was captured in pixels by our clever photographer, who claimed to be simply taking photos of People with Purple Things in a Bag..  Cooperation was practically instantaneous.  The actual mission was, as we know, to identify and catalogue those persons fleeing from The City to invade peaceful villages Upstate. Person located on a bench near Bedford Hills


Metropolitan Museum of Art, November 2011


Normal phenomena are hard to get into focus these days, since this is a time of transitions: among seasons, time zones, day and night, mist, mirage and miracles

Red Sumac and a Chain Link Fence

Our hidden Sumac is often perplexed about what is important to contemplate next Should I act innocent while I plan my escape, Or wait for security plans to take shape? Am I locked in or out? Should I cower or shout? Should I look for a file or just sit here awhile? Maybe I'll worry tomorrow instead. It's late and I'm tired and ready for  bed.

Fall Tree, Molten in the Sun

I melted away today, as though it were an ordinary thing, to lose track of all my edges. It was on an inhale, I am certain, and in a neutral sun of a day. It so happens that I found an Unexpected Ticket, kept safe for many years inside my inside pocket. Off I went, rolling and skipping, borderless and giddy. Imagine my surprise to find a stream-lit cave, hidden in a shadow. Yes! It was a spirit cave, full of painted faces, lessons learned and candy cotton, ferris wheels and reasons, candy corn and water lilies, moonlit paths (that’s where we met) and fresh blue midnights. Yes, you were there, and one more time I felt the world on fire, swollen with dreams. Central Park North in Fall

Fall Flares in the Late Sun

Suddenly it's a fall sun, burning cold and golden in the late afternoon. Trees smeared with hazy leaves, pale blues and snapping satins, gay November branches.

Going Home After a Long Walk

They’re missing. Those green hills and grey-edged clouds, and the summer rain, shuttered away and slatted with fall, Thud.