
Cherry Blossoms Attain a New Absoslute Peak

The other day a passerby turned to her fellow walker:  "You should have seen these trees yesterday; they were at their absolute peak." Of course I understand the comment, having depleted many a day lamenting the loss of yesterday's pilfered beauty.

New Camera !

Here's a shot from my new Nikon 5100.  I can't actually tell whether the color is adjusted correctly, since it depends on the monitor. This was taken at 1/13 second at f4.0 without flash at night.  Usually one would need a tripod.  The ISO was set at 400. 

The First Morning Glory in the World

And the most beautiful.

Central Park FairyLand

Right in the middle of Manhattan there lies an enchanted path . . .

Vapor of Cherry Blossoms

A rare temperature inversion has created a cloud of cherry blossom vapor seen hovering over the Reservoir Bridle Path.  This unusual photo captures all phases of the vaporization process, from buds to blossoms to vapor to thin air

Robin Robino Reveals his New Spring Poses

Robino has been practicing his modeling and posing  for an entire year,  and look what determination has accomplished!  Not only has Robino mastered the art of calm and beautiful sitting, he has also learned to appear only in the most concordant settings to complement his beautiful colors. 

A Long Road Winds Along the Edges

Driving and singing through the Rained-on night, tossing miles away With lightening speed Thundering and gay with promises. I didn’t see at first, but there you were Together. Torn inside out and dead with rage I birthed a cunning plot. Pock-marked and coffin nailed It scythed across my maliced cheeks. I stayed there frozen to the icy metal in my mind. The streets were black and finger wet With all those boring tears. At last it let me go; I see how I was sickened with it. I’m on the road again now, flying over bean fields Winding over the edges. A half a tank of gas A glove compartment map A fishbowl full of matchbook covers