
Seeking the Spirit of Daffodils

Wait!  It looks like another seeker is creeping up to join in the ceremony.   Yes, I see a person now.  I'm focusing, I'm drawing closer, SNAP I got it!

The New Daffodils Survive the Winter Cold

This rare photo was taken on the first full day of spring. The ceremony was witnessed surreptitiously of course. Anthropologists have determined that the intent of this seldom seen ceremony is to absorb the spiritual essence of the of spring, while leaving no harmful trace.

Spring Pigeons

Aren't they darling?     Pigeons!    Noisy, say some.    Pigeons make  noise, yes, they have a quiet purr-like coo.  Have you listened to any traffic lately? Beauiful pigeons courting and living life under the bluest sky

Fading tulips

Have you noticed how beautiful wilting flowers are?  I have some purchased tulips on a table.  They have been here for four days now, and they are hanging horizontally, looking out from their vase.  The petals are very translucent now, and very pale.  It's hard to tell, since the night camera flashing casts a shadow that belies the delicate flowers.

Person with Blue chair

Some things are completely self explanatory, in their way.  

Coloring with Water

What about rain?  I haven't often had a rain walk, but soon if it rains there will be a wet and hardy opportunity. Did you know there is more than one way to create a water color?    Here we are in Crestone once again, painting the garden with water.  

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall.

I know he did, I have been told about it over and over again. Why? I just don't know, but I am sure he was shaped like an egg. We know eggs don't fall down and break into a thousand little pieces, but that's what happened to Humpty! Was Humpty just an empty shell? Who writes these things anyway?  Here's a wall.  Oh, never mind It's a ceiling. But nobody is sitting on it, are they? Or is it "is they?" Now here's a real wall.  Two of them! And a person, who is neither sitting on one  nor falling off! Now, that's my kind of wall.