
Citizens Pursue Falling Leaves

Ordinary citizen caught in the act of catching a leaf

Fall Leaves Playing in a Mud Puddle

There’s something about a mud-puddle. They fascinate me, since they appear to be immortal. People pile on the dirt and sod, the gravel and the asphalt. Laying in wait, however, is the soul of a puddle. Who could resist a swim in a puddle? Not a sparrow, not a puppy, not a leaf.

Leaf Chasing

There is nothing in this world more exhilarating. It looks easy, say they! It looks dull! It will be boring, and there will be no PBS special! Oh, but these sooth-sayers haven’t tried it lately. Your mission for today: To chase a leaf. 1. Locate a place of falling leaves, preferably with an occasional breeze. 2. Begin the chase. Your goal is to chase, not to catch! Those dainty leaves are wiley.

The Fall Buffle Heads

There are times when I cannot maneuver anymore and can’t think what to do. It comes and goes, thank goodness. I have an old friend. Time goes by without a word, then bang! There we are, back in the youth of memory. So what I do is pause. Fall is a time for the beauty of transition.  It flares and sparks and smolders away-- quietly, slowly, leaf by leaf.

The Dancing Ginko

Sometimes I cannot believe my luck. I was walking down this messy and disheveled street, and there it was: a tantric figure dancing in the sunlight. Who planted it? How did it survive the upheavals? How gracious that so many must have worked around  this mythic dancer nourishing it  across the years.

Buses, antique shops and dressy New England leaves

There isn’t anything like a New England fall, even a small piece of it. Look at the colors. There’s something about taking a bus. Have you noticed? It’s hard to describe, but the key is not to take a bus in rush hour or when in a hurry. Just hop on when you are feeling giddy. Pretend you are on a tour, and simply hop off! Near here, there’s a dusty antique shop that opens on the owner’s whim. I hadn’t been in there for several years, since I purchased an old coal bucket. Today it had a collection of lamps made from plumbing pipes. Lots of joins, lots of elbows, lots of pipe! I got out without them, but barely.

The medicine of fall

A fall day  is simpy conspiratorial.   The leaves and twigs, the  late squirrels and stiff blue sky are throwing  beauty  at us again.   Did you see those red filligried leaves with whispy points? And the striped ones and those tie-dyed ones?  How can they do it? And the fallen leaves, some dry by now.  Ok.  Do this for me:  Grab a handful of the dry and noisy leaves. Crumple them into your hands and inhale the medicine of fall.  Remember?