
Gardens of Glass, Seattle

 Hand blown and hand worked glass, floating in a bed of water.  Fittingly, this brittle. sensual garden of flowers, snaky items. and spears of glass sits right next to the partictularly un-needle-like "Seattle Space Needle".    These needles are sharp.  Dale Chiuli, Garden and Glass, Seattle 2021

Rainbow, Alaska Style

It could be a rainbow smudge or a mist, Trapped in an ocean ripple. Single or double or triple (sometimes), Is there gold at the ends? Maybe stock dividends? Or the wisp of a spiritual tryst?     Off the Coast of the Alaska Peninsula~ September, 2021  

Dancing Ginkgo Biloba in Full Fall Colors

   I'm happy, and I'm dancing and I'm Yellow! (or Flavo if you prefer the more flavorful Latin) Family Ginkgoaceae – Ginkgo family Genus Ginkgo L. – ginkgo Species Ginkgo biloba L. – maidenhair tree                                           Premium Specimen of a New York Park Avenue Gingko Biloba

Fall Transitions Written in Leaves

I’ve had my share of trinkets Cluttering up my days. Memories are tugging at me, tying me down, Or did I settle in?    My days are scattering like matches, Burning up the moments. Summer shrivels up like a prune, Sucking sap back into the root of things. A turtle digs down below frost line, Preparing for its winter nap.     A shark swims by and leaves no trace, yet something turns up missing.  

A Fountain of Clouds

Every now and then our brave photographer comes across a truly amazing sight, and today we are blessed by the birth of a rainbow. Rainbow Fountain Full of Clouds    

To Fret Or Not To Fret

Is it me, is it you is it Covid Nineteen? politicians! emissions! The next quarantine? An invasion of Aliens Those Episcopalians! that bat from  Guangzhou! Where and when, I don’t know! There’s a cat in my lap,  and it’s time for a nap, so Goldie At Rest Inhale, exhale, and let go…