
Showing posts with the label reflections

The days of unstoppable beauty

A year ago I broke my arm on a wet and beautiful day with golden leaves.  I came home with a foam rubber sling—awkward, blue, and huge and with small breathing holes. Finally, after tribulations, we obtained a prescription, and I brought it home looking forward to a nice pain pill. They put it into a childproof bottle. One handed, I considered a hammer and tried a wrench. Finally, I stood outside and waited for a child, who opened it for me.   To show you what it was like to walk that morning, just look. This time of year it’s just that way. Wherever we look there’s beauty.

Long ago, not far away. ( Guest Photo --dateline Chicago)

An e-pal asked, “Were you in Carmel California?”   Yes. Yes, I was. I swam among the trees in the kelp forest, with a scuba tank. It seemed close this morning. What do we do with the bubbles of acquaintance? Those spheres of influence that do not intersect? And when we find an old friend whose been there too, what then? I need to share the beauty, and yours as well.  So when you read these brief and incidental lines, take heart. Guest Photo By L.C. of  Chicago and Santa Fe

sssssssssssSSSSS Crack! Zzzz shhhhhh hhhsss sTtttt

Now I have space for today and cannot capture it. The words are paltry, yet this is the most beautiful day! Clean blue; clouds to take home and cuddle in. Cool, soft and crisp edges everywhere. Leaves waiting for their turn to add a new genre to fall, and I am tinged with the colors of it all.

Better than Meat, I like the Street to eat, to eat, to eat *

* from childhood--Ibid., Op Cit. & Oops They are breaking up the street outside my window. Ah! And who  are They? "Put This over There next to That." Put What? "This!" Where? "There!" Oh, you mean put This There! I see.    Who else would eat a street other than That Digging Thing operated by Them? Pronouns! I am reminded of childhood, and I must go see.


At three I was a prodigy, at four no more I guess By five or six my days were mixed The days gone by are super clear I know it doesn’t rhyme my dear, Let’s not discuss The obvious. I know I’m not a poet, I never said I was I said was a prodigy I note without apology It’s just that life slips on its way, and I stand by because I wonder what I should have done To turn the tide, survive the run To capture days in rain and fun To frolic in the leaves of sun. I never saw it coming, though I guess it always does Another day before my feet Another flower a sly defeat Another triumph cleat by cleat With fuzz and buzz and dilemmas